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Title: Los medios de comunicación y la construcción de la imagen social de las enfermedades congénitas y crónicas: el caso de la Esclerosis Múltiple
Authors: Montesinos García, Isabel
Keywords: Imagen social, medios de comunicación, enfermedades crónicas, discapacidad, conocimiento, percepción social, esclerosis múltiple
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Facultad de Documentación y Comunicación, Universidad de Murcia
Abstract: This article takes as an object of study the informative treatment of the chronic and congenital diseases in the mass media printed during the period of one year, centring on the analysis of content of news related to the Multiple sclerosis. The priority aim of this work is to analyze the importance that has the construction of the social image of the groups with disability derived from these diseases in the mass media and the projection and public knowledge of these diseases for the citizenship. The purpose of this paper is to improve the informative work through developing a positive social image of the collective being reported, thus avoiding the stigma and negative social perception of people with these diseases. The contribution of the media is important in this regard, since the impact of visibility in society makes it possible to improve the social image of these groups for improved socio labor in society.
ISSN: 2253-8429
Appears in Collections:Gestión de los Medios de Comunicación

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